The Indo-Pak Climate Collective (IPCC)

The Indo-Pak Climate Collective unites experts from both countries to enhance collaboration on Climate Change, focusing on Transboundary Smog in 2023 and exploring solutions like the ASEAN haze agreement for South Asia.
Enhancing Civil-Military fusion in the Indian Army

CSDR’s project for the AMSB focused on enhancing civil-military, military-industry, and military-bureaucracy fusion in the Indian Army, involving literature reviews, expert interviews, and stakeholder mapping, culminating in a Vision Statement to guide future fusion efforts.
South Asia Water Diplomacy Initiative

The South Asia Water Diplomacy Initiative crafted a framework to enhance Water Diplomacy in the region, analyzing bilateral water relations and identifying zones for potential agreement. It expanded dialogue beyond traditional water communities to include diverse policymakers, fostering a multi-stakeholder approach to address the complex interplay of development, climate change, and security in shared water resource management.
India-Brazil defense industrial partnership

This project analyzes Indian defense manufacturing, legal frameworks, and incentives, exploring Indo-Brazilian defense joint ventures. It offers strategies for Brazilian firms to join India’s defense sector, focusing on collaborative design, development, and production opportunities.
Legacy vs Disruptive Technologies for the Indian Army

CSDR’s study for ARTRAC evaluates how new technologies affect warfare, analyzing recent conflicts and their impact on offense-defense dynamics. Recommendations will be made for updating the Indian Army’s tactics and equipment, considering integration challenges and suggesting adaptation strategies.
Advisory to Alternate Investment Fund

CSDR is guiding India’s pioneering Defense and Aerospace Sector AIF, leveraging a dashboard that analyses and ranks over 250 Indian startups. This tool matches startups with market demands and tech trends to formulate investment strategies, assessing supplier ROI for informed AIF decisions. The comprehensive dashboard launch is slated for late 2024.