India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill

This report contains CSDR’s feedback to the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, India, on their draft Digital Personal Data Protection Bill (2022). We conducted a closed-door group discussion with relevant stakeholders to focus on the issues of cross-border data transfers, exemptions granted to the government and private data fiduciaries, and the composition and functions of the Data Protection Board. This report highlighted the need to elaborate on guiding principles for data transfers outside India. 

Military Containment of China – A Strategy for India

Recent events highlight China’s escalating assertiveness and its implications for India and neighboring states. India-China relations face a critical juncture, requiring India to craft a strategy to counterbalance China’s growing influence. This special issue provides policy recommendations for India’s strategic direction over the next decade.

India’s ‘China Challenge’ in the Indian Ocean and Beyond

Recent events have brought home the realisation that China’s rise is bound to have serious implications for India and other smaller states in the region. It is now clear that India-China relations may be at an inflection point. An increasingly aggressive China is pushing at its peripheries to announce its arrival at the global stage. While this has been happening for quite some time in the South China Sea, India is its most recent victim in South Asia. It is therefore necessary that India recognises this geopolitical reality and puts together a coherent strategy to balance China. To this end, this special issue consists of articles that make policy prescriptions for India for the next decade.

Fighting to Balance – China and the Purpose of India-US Partnership

Recent events underscore the significance of China’s rise, prompting a critical juncture in India-China relations. As China asserts itself aggressively, especially in South Asia, India must acknowledge this geopolitical reality and devise a strategic approach to balance China. This special issue offers policy recommendations for India’s next decade.

A Roadmap for Adoption of Disruptive Technologies in the Indian Military

The article provides insights from a practitioner’s viewpoint on the opportunities and challenges confronting India’s defense R&D and military industry. It highlights their pivotal role in India’s quest for self-sufficiency in high-end technology to enhance its armed forces’ capabilities.

Disruptive Innovation and India’s Defence Private Sector

India’s defense industry faces a pivotal moment as traditional manufacturing clashes with digital advancements. Private sector agility in digital tech contrasts with DPSU reliance. To thrive in innovation, a conducive ecosystem must empower India’s defense private sector.