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Ocean of Churn: Synergising Values Across the Indo-Pacific

The conference fostered discussions on key Indo-Pacific themes with experts from India and the region. Topics included evolving security dynamics, multilateralism, maritime security, inclusive norms, civil society engagement, and resilience through trade and sustainability.

January 12, 2023 January 14, 2023

The conference acted as a platform for informed discussions on several ideas and norms important for the Indo-Pacific region. It hosted experts from India and the Indo-Pacific region to participate in discussions on the following topics:

  • Work in Progress: Indo-Pacific and Evolving Security Dynamics
  • The Moving Puzzle: Multilateralism, Minilateralism and Trilateralism in the Indo-Pacific
  • Indo-Pacific Sea Links: Opportunities and Challenges in Maritime Security and Cooperation
  • Diverse Societies and International Norms: Toward A Conceptualization of an Inclusive Indo-Pacific
  • A Multistakeholder Indo-Pacific Conversation: Mainstreaming Civil Society Expertise
  • Strengthening Resilience in the Indo-Pacific: Trade, Development and Sustainability”



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Our programs encompass an array of critical topics, including climate security, emerging technologies, gender-sensitive foreign policy, non-traditional security, artificial intelligence, Defense and security, Geopolitics, Regionalism, Internet and society, among others.