New deterrence demands amidst India–China power asymmetry

India’s state of deterrence vis-a-vis China has significantly weakened over the last two decades. This has occurred in the backdrop of asymmetries that are both natural (geographic) as well as […]
What is the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence in war; where India, US and China stand

The second summit on Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Military Domain (REAIM) begins in Seoul on Monday. The focus is on shaping global norms on the responsible use […]
The temptation to de-dollarise

For New Delhi, an imperfect global financial system led by the US is perhaps preferable to a “more egalitarian” China-led global financial system.
The Trump inflection on US foreign policy

Unless his second term differs dramatically from the first, we can expect a mostly disinterested and extractive approach to global engagement by Washington.
The ideational dimension of India’s China challenge

While there is good news from the LAC, the China challenge to India is a long-term one that has both material and intellectual/ideational elements.
These BRICS can’t construct a new world order

For India—neither fully status quoist nor revisionist—a middle path is inherently preferable, a stance not shared by its key BRICS partners.