Submarines are Key to India’s Evolving Force Posture in the Indian Ocean

What Will a Breakdown in the Global Moratorium on Nuclear Testing Mean for South Asia?

India – Europe: Partnership for the Next Decade

Together with our partner, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, India office (KAS), we hosted this conference on the theme ‘India-Europe: Partnership for the Next Decade.’ As 2025 approached, the timing was ripe to assess the ground covered by the EU India Strategic Roadmap 2025.
Ahead of G20, India-China reconciliation fails to launch

By failing to turn up for the G20 summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a clear signal that China has little enthusiasm for stabilising relations with India, say researchers from […]
New deterrence demands amidst India–China power asymmetry

India’s state of deterrence vis-a-vis China has significantly weakened over the last two decades. This has occurred in the backdrop of asymmetries that are both natural (geographic) as well as […]
India’s tech diplomacy — from Nehru to Modi

Modi government’s progress with the US is not the first time Delhi has put technology on the top of its diplomatic and strategic agenda. But today, both domestic and external […]