How India needs to deal with the new Bangladesh: 5 challenges beyond 1971

Standing by friends in thick and thin is an important part of a major power’s credibility in the region and beyond. But no nation can tie its fortunes in another […]
Bangladesh and the ‘foreign hand’ bogey

Conspiracy theories blaming the CIA for Sheikh Hasina’s ouster overestimate its capacity, avoid bigger questions. What is needed is for Delhi to look ahead, deepen ties with the new regime […]
The ideational dimension of India’s China challenge

While there is good news from the LAC, the China challenge to India is a long-term one that has both material and intellectual/ideational elements.
These BRICS can’t construct a new world order

For India—neither fully status quoist nor revisionist—a middle path is inherently preferable, a stance not shared by its key BRICS partners.
The new template for dialogue with Pakistan

A clinical minimalism focussed on conflict management appears to define New Delhi’s engagement with Islamabad.
The age of nuclear adventurism

One key lesson many states are drawing from the Russia-Ukraine war is that a nuclear-armed Ukraine would have been better off.