A year after the Hamas strike, insecurity grows

Israel’s disproportionate response and failure of global powers and institutions to enforce a ceasefire have plunged the world into a crisis.
Tensions in the Middle East will Test India’s balancing Act in the region

With a neighbourhood in turmoil, an aggressive China, and pressure of Russia-Ukraine war, the last thing Delhi would like to have is conflict in the Middle East.
Ukraine’s fighting against time and the clock is ticking

Ukraine is fighting on many fronts: A war with Russia, fighting for global attention, for help from the US and Europe, and to keep up the morale of its people.
Pursuit of India’s national interest must stay away from narcissistic nationalism and self-pity

Instead of lamenting the absence of a seat at the UNSC, we must focus on shaping global conversations in ways we can.
The many meanings of Modi’s Ukraine visit

Potential reputational gains for India from even a modest initiative to lessen the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war far outweigh those from any other conflict.
The Quad four and their four dilemmas

Quad is a unique and promising initiative but is beset with several fundamental dilemmas. Its members must address them to maintain better unity of purpose.