Synergizing Indo-UK Strategic Vision for the Western Indian Ocean
This special issue focuses on the prospects for cooperation between India and the United Kingdom in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). In light of fresh commitments made by both states to work jointly in several areas and the UK’s tilt to the Indo-Pacific, the WIO has emerged as a critical region where both states could further cooperate.
Hydrodiplomacy – Case of India and Bhutan
India-Bhutan water relations lean towards cooperation rather than conflict. Addressing emerging issues can strengthen this relationship. In this report, the authors propose win-win strategies for policymakers from India and Bhutan to consider.
Hydrodiplomacy in India – Challenges and Possibilities
This report highlights the objectives of the South Asia Water Diplomacy Initiative (SAWDI) to map a Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA) for bilateral transboundary water relationships between India-Bhutan, India-Bangladesh, India-Nepal, and India-Pakistan. The report presents a range of policy options on which each bilateral is most likely to cooperate.
Catalysing Private Climate Finance Readiness for Mainstreaming Article 9 at the Subnational Level Context of India
This report investigates private investments for climate-responsive development at a subnational level in India. It assesses the factors involved in climate finance and identifies challenges for private climate finance readiness. Additionally, the author describes relationships between emerging challenges and the need for effective institutional capacity building or policies to enable mainstreaming Article 6 in India.
Climate Finance in India
Developed countries committed USD 100 billion to climate finance by 2020 but fell short of their target, which was then extended to 2025. The financing gap is much more comprehensive for developing countries to achieve climate goals. This report presents the financing required to meet India’s renewable energy targets by 2030 and beyond, aligned with the 1.5°C scenario.
Climate Finance Flow to Developing Countries – Untapped Oppourtunities
Although some progress has been made, significant gaps in mobilizing climate finance remain. Public finance can play a crucial role in facilitating this process, and this report proposes three general categories of public finance required for specific sectors based on the maturity of the technology and business models.