Ahead of G20, India-China reconciliation fails to launch

By failing to turn up for the G20 summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a clear signal that China has little enthusiasm for stabilising relations with India, say researchers from […]
New deterrence demands amidst India–China power asymmetry

India’s state of deterrence vis-a-vis China has significantly weakened over the last two decades. This has occurred in the backdrop of asymmetries that are both natural (geographic) as well as […]
The temptation to de-dollarise

For New Delhi, an imperfect global financial system led by the US is perhaps preferable to a “more egalitarian” China-led global financial system.
The ideational dimension of India’s China challenge

While there is good news from the LAC, the China challenge to India is a long-term one that has both material and intellectual/ideational elements.
These BRICS can’t construct a new world order

For India—neither fully status quoist nor revisionist—a middle path is inherently preferable, a stance not shared by its key BRICS partners.
The age of nuclear adventurism

One key lesson many states are drawing from the Russia-Ukraine war is that a nuclear-armed Ukraine would have been better off.