These BRICS can’t construct a new world order

For India—neither fully status quoist nor revisionist—a middle path is inherently preferable, a stance not shared by its key BRICS partners.
The age of nuclear adventurism

One key lesson many states are drawing from the Russia-Ukraine war is that a nuclear-armed Ukraine would have been better off.
The Chinese tangle in India-Russia relations

High on symbolism but somewhat low on substance, the current India-Russia relationship is increasingly transactional.
A rising India needs to think like a great power

As a start, the government must formulate a security strategy document keeping in mind the country’s objectives and the strategic environment it must operate in.
Linking trade and tensions—why India must reassess its approach to Chinese investments

India has reasons to achieve pragmatic economic exchanges, as articulated in the Economic Survey—the inescapability of Chinese supply chains, the ineffectiveness of tariffs, and India’s dependence on Chinese imports for […]
India is turning Bay of Bengal into SSBN bastion. China can overreact

Growing anxieties about submarine warfare in the Indo-Pacific and India’s involvement with regional partners require careful analysis of the opportunities and risks in this area.