Italy and India, a special relationship
In cooperation with the Med-Or Foundation, CSDR hosted a workshop on Italy-India relations, focusing on the potential areas of collaboration between the two countries.
India – Europe: Partnership for the Next Decade
Together with our partner, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, India office (KAS), we hosted this conference on the theme ‘India-Europe: Partnership for the Next Decade.’ As 2025 approached, the timing was ripe to assess the ground covered by the EU India Strategic Roadmap 2025.
Ukraine’s fighting against time and the clock is ticking
Ukraine is fighting on many fronts: A war with Russia, fighting for global attention, for help from the US and Europe, and to keep up the morale of its people.
The Swiss “Peace Summit” and the competing impulses of war and peace
For the war to end, it is important to address Russia’s NATO concerns as it is to address Kyiv’s current and future security concerns.
Ways of seeing feminist foreign policy
In the article, Dr Khillare focuses on adopting feminist values to shape international relations. She highlights how policies grounded in gender equality, empathy, intersectionality, and active peace-building can redefine global […]
Improving India–Europe Defence Cooperation: A New Arms Deal?
India’s burgeoning defence trade with the European Union (EU) underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to bridge existing gaps and foster enduring collaboration. The evolving security landscape, coupled with […]