Interests, not friendship, determine foreign policy

The great power argument is delusional. We are simply past that age in our neighbourhood.
The Quad four and their four dilemmas

Quad is a unique and promising initiative but is beset with several fundamental dilemmas. Its members must address them to maintain better unity of purpose.
Should states have a stake in foreign policy?

The controversy is an opportunity to revisit the debate on the slow but growing influence of the states on India’s foreign relations since the 1990s.
Indian-origin leaders abroad: Feel-good stories don’t help national interests

Indians have done well abroad. But, a reality check is important. Sometimes, the presence of a diverse diaspora abroad can hurt India’s national interests.
The Chinese tangle in India-Russia relations

High on symbolism but somewhat low on substance, the current India-Russia relationship is increasingly transactional.
India and the ‘crumbling international order’

Despite limited representation in major international institutions such as the IMF, India’s contributions to global governance are significant.